Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Neighbor shoots drone out of the sky


"Indeed, Jones watched as his beloved drone came plummeting straight down onto the property of the Coalfield Seventh Day Adventist Church—right next to a neighbor’s home, where young children were playing in the backyard.
'It didn’t hit the ground as hard as it could have,' Jones said. 'When it hit, it broke the left landing gear arm, snapped the molding off the Inspire. But it was still running. Didn’t damage batteries, rotors were intact. Everything was fine, except the left rear motor with a bullet hole in it.'
Jones became the fourth reported drone shooting incident that Ars has been made aware of in nearly two years."

If you're going to fly your drone around your neighborhood, it might be neighborly just to let your neighbors know, in case they might have an issue.  And be armed.

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