Sunday, May 30, 2021

autonomous drone picks and attacks target


The Turkish-built KARGU-2, a deadly attack drone designed for asymmetric warfare and anti-terrorist operations, targeted one of Haftar's soldiers while he tried to retreat, according to the paper.

The drone, which can be directed to detonate on impact, was operating in a "highly effective" autonomous mode that required no human controller, the New York Post said.


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I wouldn't want to be a soldier in the next war.  There will be no hiding behind walls and feeling safe.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Where does this end? Weaponising quadcopters


The 170 millimeters long mini ammunition is launched from the 550-millimeter shooter tube. The weight of the rocket corresponds to 500 grams (17 ounces) with a disposable shooter tube. Up to six rockets can be integrated into a mini-UAV.

The mini rocket has a maximum range of 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) and operates with an effective range of 100-500 meters (328-1,640 feet). The antipersonnel warhead with a smart plug is effective within a radius of 12 meters. The armor-piercing warhead penetration capability corresponds to the STANAG 4569 Level 2.


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 Every good thing also gets turned into a bad thing.  Like the Internet.  Kind of a bummer but that seems to be human nature.