Monday, February 25, 2019

suicide drone

"The drone, which is about four feet wide, is designed to destroy remote ground targets. The manufacturer claims it could revolutionize combat in much the same way the AK-47 did in the second half of the twentieth century."

I'm not sure if this is much more advantageous from a cannon or missile. Maybe like the AK-47 it just makes killing more accessible to smaller groups.

Monday, February 11, 2019

using a drone to destroy a hornets' nest

How to use your $800 Mavic for alternative purposes.

Drones to track bees

"North Dakota is the nation’s leader in honey production. The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks is a leader in drones and drone research.
That led Bee Innovative, an Australian company, to pair up with UND to enhance the company’s current drone technology that tracks bee movements and pollination patterns, the two companies announced Jan. 30."

I still don't get the details of this, and I wonder how many bees get chopped up by the drone meanwhile.