Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Canadians complain about a pesky drone


“We were walking along the trail and kept hearing a drone flying around us and then when we would catch sight of it, it would fly off behind the trees. We would lose sight of it again but it followed us on the trail for almost half of an hour," she said.

The first incident reportedly took place in Bibby’s backyard where she was lounging with her husband.

“A drone flew by a few times, then came back and literally hovered about us for five minutes,” Bibby said. “We were getting creeped out by it and yelling at it, acknowledging that we saw it. It flew away, then returned shortly after, so my husband brought out his BB gun and pointed it at the drone and it took off, which proves it was watching us.” 

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I'm not sure what the Canadian rules are for amateur drone pilots?  I think they're more strict than US rules actually.  But at any event this is wrong.