Wednesday, February 19, 2020

new drone law proposed in South Dakota

"It eliminates the loophole and it forces commercial drone operators of all kinds to operate a drone for only legitimate, business purposes," said Representative David Johnson, District 33. "Ultimately, we're trying to protect South Dakota citizens' natural right and expectation of privacy in a private place."

Seems ok to me.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

fighting a virus with drones

"Chinese state-run agency Global Times released a video of a drone that is flying in the air and detecting patrons who are not wearing masks while outdoors amid the spread of the coronavirus.
The drone specifically calls out people based on the color of their clothes to efficiently enforce the rule.
The video has gone viral on Chinese social media and was praised as a creative and efficient way to raise awareness of ongoing coronavirus."

I really don't want drones running around telling me what to do.