Saturday, April 25, 2015

Quadcopters learn to fight invaders in Ukraine

"We pulled away, hearing a firefight to the right of us, and passed armoured vehicles firing towards the separatist forces’ positions until we finally pulled over on a muddy track. Removing a giant box from the roof of the vehicle, the soldiers took out an enormous multirotor drone. Within minutes it was set up and flying thousands of feet above our position. Then they quickly brought it back down – and began to attach the bomb.
The drone pilot fiddled with the controls and two soldiers stepped forward to attach the bomb to a holding mechanism that sprung out from underneath the drone. It was quickly in the air again, hovering just a few hundred feet from our position. And then they dropped the bomb.
But nothing happened. They just laughed, and turned to us saying: 'It’s just a practice bomb.'”

I kind of hope quadcopters aren't weaponized, but it's probably inevitable.

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