Sunday, December 28, 2014

Will congress come up with some rules?

"The FAA is expected to propose restricting drones weighing less than 55 pounds to flying at altitudes under 400 feet, forbid nighttime flights and require drones be kept within sight of their operators. Drone operators may also be required to get pilot's licenses, a possibility already drawing fire from critics who say the skills needed to fly a manned aircraft are different from those needed to operate a drone.
Shuster indicated he's concerned that requiring pilot's licenses might be burdensome and unnecessary. And keeping drones within sight of operators would be too strict and limit their usefulness, he said.
The reason for keeping drones within line of sight is that they don't yet have the ability to detect and avoid other aircraft.
AUVSI, the drone industry trade group, recently hired Mark Aitken, former chief of staff to Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., as its government relations manager. LoBiondo is chairman of the House Subcommittee on Aviation, which will write the FAA reauthorization bill.
'We're really looking at an incremental approach still,' Aitken said. 'It's not something that is going to happen overnight.'"

That 55 pound rule always amazes me.  What on earth kind of contraption that weighs 55 pounds should be restricted to just 400 feet altitude?  and what on earth could it be?

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