Thursday, August 14, 2014

Good frame, or best frame?

Well some of this is hype, because they're selling a product. But it does show how tough a quadcopter can be. I would crash mine (from pretty much every time I flew, but very seldom broke anything.  Basically if it looked like I was getting into big trouble, I'd just cut the throttle and let the thing fall to earth.  That one time... I was flying at the top of a hill in windy conditions, lost control, and plowed the old GoPro camera right into a tree.  Lens broke.  Much sad.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that is one tough drone :) Wonder if its really that good or maybe they overdid it with the commercial :) Anyway, since you mentioned breaking your drones from crashes, I believe that you will find this list of some of the best drone frames, usefull. Here is the link:
