Tuesday, November 28, 2017

finnish border pierced by drones with cigarettes


"Finnish Customs officials and border guards are investigating an unusual case in which a drone was found in a forested area of the eastern town of Lappeenranta with a cargo of 15 cartons of cigarettes. Two similar packages were found nearby, bringing the total to 45 cartons.
The authorities were notified by a private individual who reported seeing the drone flying over the border from Russia, where cigarettes are considerably cheaper than they are in Finland.
Officials impounded the tobacco and are investigating the case as airspace violation and illegal entry. They have not yet found any individuals they suspect of involvement in the case."

You get the good with the bad with any new technology.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mexican cartels with weaponized drones


"The aerial drone in the rear cargo bay was armed and ready to be deployed. Sitting in an open plastic case beside an AK47 assault rifle and spare clips. The 3DR Solo Quadcopter carried a shrapnel-filled IED that was in turn rigged to detonate by remote control."

"The weapon could have been used effectively against authorities, criminal rivals, or to terrorize innocent civilians, according to a report by security analyst Robert Bunker, a professor in Strategic Studies at the U.S. Army War college.
While contraband-laden drones operated by Mexican cartels have frequently penetrated U.S. airspace, none of them have been armed—yet. But the drone’s discovery comes at a time of widespread escalation of crime-related violence in Mexico, and could be a sign of things to come."

Technology can be used for good and bad.